About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Our Story
I have had two skull fractures, two Traumatic Brain Injuries, and twice in a coma - all by the age of 17 years old.
When I was five, a horse kicked me in the jaw and sent me flying about ten yards. I had a horseshoe moon stamped onto my chin. ½ inch more to the right and both sides of the jaws would have been thrust through my skull. “Missed me by that much” Agent Maxwell Smart would say.
When I was 17, a drunk driver hit my car almost head on. The rear-view mirror cracked open my skull, with a friend saying that the EMT fitted a piece of my skull like a jig saw puzzle before wrapping me up. Fortunately for me, a big piece of window glass was embedded on the blood flow to the brain, reducing the flow by 90%... which kept me from bleeding out like a chocolate fountain in the dessert line.
I was also lucky because St Josephs Hospital and Trauma Center was only about 500 yards away. My brother Marcus (RIP, Bro) told me that my picture was shown before Congress, with many other pictures of windshield glass injuries, and just nine months after my accident, Congress based the window safety glass law. You’re welcome, world. Enjoy your drive.
Three years ago, following a stomach hernia operation, I was exposed to the hospital strain of the dreaded SUPER BUG Bacteria, the bacteria that resists most forms of medication. The final medication that was used is the same medication used to treat inhaled Anthrax and the Plague.
17 days of medication later, the bug was eliminated. It was like a fog had been removed from my brain and I couldn’t stop thinking.
I had a couple of visions while on the medication, the first was transforming my fat tire ebike into a “Solar-Powered Commuter ebike”, complete with a fairing and windshield, turn signals, brake lights, etc.
The fat tire ebike feels like a motorcycle, with the advantage that it does not require DMV Registration fees and insurance is about $200 a year. It makes a great Commuter Mode of transportation, especially with “Adult Stabilizers” (training wheels) that keep the bike from falling over. Adult Stabilizers will also make a self-driving ebike in the future very possible.
I then started building the prototypes In my garage, for a total of seven design “do-overs” over the “The Iron Betty Solar Powered Commuter Ebike”.
I joined the AV Chambers in December 2024 and sponsored the Business for Breakfast in January 2024. I surprised the attendees with my prediction of the next generation of ebikes with sidecars, delivery vehicles and electric choppers. An unknown Angel forwarded my information to an overseas manufacturer of electric motorcycle choppers, and we began discussing distribution.
I ordered my first echopper and had to go through all of the tasks a general user would be faced with. Registration with the CA Department of Motor vehicles took almost three months, as I had to schedule with the California Highway Patrol VIN Verifier to ensure the vehicle was DOT approved.
My second echopper has been a five month labor of love…. Tryng to get it registered with the CA DMV. The first issue was that the DMV clerk marked it as a self-import, as if I had brought in a right-hand drive car from Europe, and not simply drove to a warehouse in Upland California.This was easily resolved with proper documentation from the Seller.
The second issue is that all motorcycles, gas-powered or electric, must have an EPA Emissions Sticker. What a shocker! An electric motorcycle needs a sticker that says it has no emissions. Thus, my work began to find exceptions to the 1986 regulation that applies to gas-powered motorcycles.
I have also placed RFQ with my Suppliers to find manufacturers that have already invested in the Regulations of the EPA Emissions sticker and can supply our needs.
Stay tuned.